Only for the Rich and Able

It was my first time then to pass by that subdivision and saw a satellite dish inside one of those big houses. I got curious and asked Papsie and he said that those are used to receive communication from a satellite television, a sort of a Direct TV providing a wide range of channels. I was amazed.

But they were only for the rich and able, those DirectTV services, he said. I daydreamed that time I will someday receive signals for a wider range of channels better than the cable television was providing.

The satellite dish is still there in that posh subdivision. Today, satellite television services like Directv is almost affordable. Even the average families now can have it at almost $30 a month for a family package. That is equivalent to P1,5oo pesos today. Considerable. But still, I won’t opt for it. I realized I really do not have time for a wider range of channels as I do not have enough time for everything.

Are you a member of a car assistance club?

Car is in the workshop for tinsmith work and repainting. It’s not really a big deal not to have a vehicle ready in the morning to bring you to work. I have been commuting almost more than half my life. What was unbearable once was my experience when the car stopped along Quezon Avenue because it ran out of gasoline! I wrote a post about it before in my hosted site and I cannot find it anymore. Thanks to that Kenneth who left the clients without a notice that he will suddenly disappear together with the hosting services and all the contents of my web site. But I digress.

Another unbearable experience would be with the abusive MMDA personnel that could charge you with anything when they find your car parked in a restricted area and tow it without properly informing you where your car was junked. It helps to be a member of a car club which services are similar to those of the motorhome towing clubs in the US though not exactly.

One time, the car broke along EDSA, Papsie called the car assistance club to which he is a member of. It did not take long for the towing vehicle to come. The mechanic came down immediately and checked what was wrong with the car and brought it to the shop when he cannot complete the job immediately while on the street. With the MMDA personnel, before you are given assistance, you will be charged first and you will be forced to deal against your will.

Mesothelioma – a cancer: Part 2

I have already written a post about mesothelioma here. It discussed mostly about asbestos as the cause.

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the mesothelium. Mesothelium is the lining found in most internal organs which has two layers. It helps the heart and lungs to move without damaging each other. Those afflicted with mesothelioma had difficulty breathing with fluid build up and repeated urges to cough. Other side effects, which are common in other cancers, too, are:

  • exhaustion
  • lack of motivation
  • minimal intake of food
  • extreme weight loss
  • pain in the chest area
What scared me about this type of cancer is the pain. No matter how high the pain threshold of an individual is, it will probably persist and overwhelm one’s demeanor. The worst thing is one gets to know that he has it when the cancer is at an advanced stage leaving you only a year or less to live.

The only way to probably prevent or slow down or treat is to have the condition be diagnosed. But how is one to know when the symptoms are apparent only when the cancer is ‘ripe’?

I did not post this to scare. It always pays to learn.

Reference: Georgia Mesothelioma Side Effects

Photohunt: Words

Putting Words on a Card for Occasions

How do you write your notes on a card? Do you still take time to ponder first what to write or just scribble without a thought? Do you write carefully and neatly or write hastily even with erasures and errors on your notes?

I still find time thinking what to write. But I am also guilty of writing without careful thought especially when I am in a hurry. I do not believe that notes are not read anymore. I still believe that honesty or sincerity in a note lightens up the mood of the recipient.

Are Words in Book Titles That Important?

To me, it is. I am most of the time captivated by the words in a book title and in the caption, too. I think that titles, like headlines in a newspaper, or titles of a movie, say a lot about the content. They spark interest in a reader. Do you believe so?

Wonder what other photohunters in the Photohunt camp have for this Saturday’s theme. Care for a visit?

Photohunt: Words

Putting Words on a Card for Occasions

How do you write your notes on a card? Do you still take time to ponder first what to write or just scribble without a thought? Do you write carefully and neatly or write hastily even with erasures and errors on your notes?

I still find time thinking what to write. But I am also guilty of writing without careful thought especially when I am in a hurry. I do not believe that notes are not read anymore. I still believe that honesty or sincerity in a note lightens up the mood of the recipient.

Are Words in Book Titles That Important?

To me, it is. I am most of the time captivated by the words in a book title and in the caption, too. I think that titles, like headlines in a newspaper, or titles of a movie, say a lot about the content. They spark interest in a reader. Do you believe so?

Wonder what other photohunters in the Photohunt camp have for this Saturday’s theme. Care for a visit?

Help! It’s Calculus!

Limits? Functions? Derivatives? Integrals? Infinite series? Is it all coming back to you? You are definitely right. It’s Calculus – my most hated Math subject in College. And during that time, internet is still foreign to me. I am not sure if there is available Calculus help online that time. I remember though that the subject was SO difficult for me because the professor is SO ineffective. But if I was already computer literate that time, I could have gotten free Calculus help and taught that professor how to effectively teach the subject.

It is important though that one must seek a Calculus tutor for his Precalculus help on relations and functions, systems of equations and inequalities, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, polar coordinates and complex numbers, conic sections, and sequences and series.

Precalculus and Calculus subjects are available only in some private high schools in the Philippines. During my time, it was only in College that I had it and as I mentioned, I did not enjoy it as much as others enjoyed the subject. Today, the internet even offers Calculus help, Precalculus help and even Statistics help free. You just have to pick the best tutor there is.