It’s Not Always About Money

Yipee! A BLOGGY award for me.
Bloggy Award

You can visit the site and read their reviews about my site. It is indeed a delightful feeling to read what others think positively about my blog. Well, not everybody thinks optimistic but to read just one is enough to make me feel good.

Let me share you some items in the review that rendered me speechless.

“I have to admit, the blog’s name caught my interest. It evoked images of a blazing fire contained by a stone fireplace. Images of cozy nights with people you treasure. A personal blog that has a lot to offer, that’s what Warmstone seems to be like.”

Overall Experience – 8
“I’d say going through Warmstone is indeed heartwarming at times. There might be posts which may not be that easy to relate to – just skip them and read those that catch your interest. A visit every now and then is worth your while.”

Wow, I cannot even remember I have submitted my site for evaluation but thank you very much to everybody at Bloggy Award especially to Noemi. Even without a gold and a silver Bloggy Award, it is such an honor.