Multiple Choice

If you sent a text message to a friend and answered, “May I know who you are?”, what would you do?

a. Introduce yourself and remind her/him that you are friends. 😀

b. Call her/him and ask your friend ‘what’s the problem?”. 😦

c. Tell her/him that you got the wrong number. 🙂

d. Do not reply; be mad because your name is not on your friend’s phone book. 😦

e. None of the above. 😉

Honestly, I will be giving the person a chance at first. There are many reasons why my number is not on the list anymore. And one of them is probably she/he bought a new cel phone unit and my name was not saved in the SIM. Or my name was deliberately erased. (hmmm… ponder)

But when you replied telling her/him your name and asked at the same time if she is BEA(for example) or if he is NEIL (for example), and the answer is no, what would you be expected to do? Of course, terminate the exchange of text messages, isn’t it? You are probably talking to a stranger. And a stranger it is who would ask if you are who you are (adding insult to injury).

I do not coerce anyone to be my friend. Friendship is a mutual relationship of give-and-take and when I am a friend, I am a friend till the end if a friend remains a friend.