Car is New. Not.

I do not have a new car. But our car is newly painted and had undergone body repair and was painted ice blue. It looks like a newly purchased car during the 90s. Smooth to the brim. Shiny new.

We were thinking of buying a few car accessories that will replace the old ones. We were also thinking of having the radiator overhauled. Papsie thinks it can be the reason why the car overheats at times.

Jumping to another topic.

I am so happy that the car is back. Life is hard without the car even if it’s not a Benz. The other day I got sick because I went to the grocery store forgetting that the car is in the repair shop. I bought four kilos of assorted wet products. It was too late to realize that the bag is heavy while the other grocery bag with the dry items is lighter but not really that light. I forgot I am not feeling well but remembered that I had to buy them to maximize my visit to the mall. My original plan was only to pay the bills.

I am just so happy for the car to come back home. 😀

Christmas is fast approaching

How do I know?

Well, the other day nephew R’s cellular phone was snatched inside the bus. He tried to go after the snatcher and someone from down the bus boxed him on the head. He insisted on going after the two crooks but a set of three people were waiting for him. He was stunned and decided not to continue the chase.

The day before that happened, a notorious gang robbed a watch store in Greenbelt 5. One of the gang members was killed by a security escort of a mayor.

When I went to Pasay the other day and while inside a jeep, a street child was sitting on the entrance of another jeep with his improvised drum singing and tapping a beat, unmindful of the stares of the passengers inside the jeep and from the other jeeps.

And there will be more signs to come.