Sleeping Apart

I laughed at an article with a suggestion to the readers that to have a healthy life, you have to sleep apart from your husband, or from your wife. It sounded ridiculous to me when I read the first few lines. But as I go along, maybe the doctor has a point.

I thought of the movie Sleeping with the Enemy. While the movie portrayed the woman’s partner as someone who had bad intentions for her, sleeping with your husband or a partner that contributes to your bad health is almost synonymous though not intentional.

In the article, it was suggested that husbands and wives, or partners, should not sleep together. Dr. Neil Stanley of Britain said that sleeping should be like eating and exercising properly. But in the situation of a husband and a wife where they sleep together, it is truly detrimental to the health of both, he said. Different kinds of illnesses can be acquired like depression, heart ailment, stroke, lung disease, and others.

How can sleeping together with your partner be detrimental to your health? According to Dr. Stanley’s observations, when the sleep cycle is broken up, or simply when sleep is interrupted, chances are you do not get enough sleep that will cause restlessness and irritation the following day. What causes interruption then? It is when your partner moves or snores then sleep is broken up.

I beg to disagree.

I believe that it is more what the state of the mind is that contributes to good sleep. When one is physically and mentally stable, getting a good night sleep is easy even with your husband or your wife snoring or moving a lot during sleep. There are exemptions though when one snores very loud as if pushing a big dresser, then that could definitely ruin your good night sleep.

The tremendous amount of worries and uneasiness could also contribute. Peace of mind helps in getting a wonderful night sleep. In some cases, even with your husband or your partner not moving a lot, or not snoring, you will be awakened with a bad dream that concerns a particular problem that has been bugging you for days.

I could not imagine sleeping at night without Papsie by my side. I know it is a matter of getting used to the situation but truly, I could not imagine, especially when after special nights, you are tranquilized to a beautiful sleep because of the backbreaking performances. That I guarantee will give you a sound sleep.

11 thoughts on “Sleeping Apart

  1. I agree with the article and what the doctor recommends. “Sleeping single on a double bed” is the theme song of the “Unyon ng mga Tatay na Ina-api ng mga Nanay (U.T.I.N. for short)Naku! “special nights” para sa mga “sleeping single” puwedeng may katulong na “electric o di baterya” o kaya mano-mano na lang para sa masarap na tulog katapos!!


  2. there are exemptions though when one snores very loud as if pushing a big dresser, then that could definitely ruin your good night sleep.

    Buti na lang at yung asawa ko e sanay na sanay na. Sarap nga ng tulog nya pag humahagok na ko eh. Ginawa nya atang mantra yung hilik ko. 😀


  3. I totall disagree with this although some exceptions have to consider, maybe the husband and wife can talk to each other to resolve the issue..


  4. frankly, if I need a real good night's sleep, I move to the spare bedroom, our guest room and it refreshes me like you won't believe 🙂

    problem is my daughter comes to our bed when she wakes up and it interrupts my sleep. Also my wife moves a lot and she disturbs my sleep. Therefore I agree with the doctor that the results are great but, would I declare the spare bedroom mine? nope. I already moved some of my office clothes though 🙂 hehe.


  5. he he talagang me paraan ka palagi, noypetes, ha? i surmise di ka naman myembro ng UTIN?? he he

    ha ha ha sobra naman akong natawa dun, mr rolly! ginawa nang mantra ha ha ha

    me, too, photo cache!

    isa ka siguro sa mga di sanay matulog ng 'ala ang missus sa tabi, peter pan!

    hmm.. is that true, bw, a refreshing good night sleep without the beloved by your side?


  6. I thought that this medical advise is as ludicrous as you think madame. It sites lack of sleep as a cause for next day's irritability and foul mood and yet it is of no evidence that one's spouse should be the cause for this, for how in the world it would be?

    Methinks surely that sleeping with your lovey dovey makes sleep more thorough and complete not otherwise.


  7. As long as husband and wife do the thing before sleeping or upon waking up and not when the other one is in dream land, then unhealthy interrupted sleep shouldn't be a problem at all. 🙂


  8. My husband snores and moves a lot when he sleeps. That's why I don't get quality sleep sometimes. I guess that explains why I have asthma attacks often here in Switzerland (aside from other factors like stress and cigarette smoke of neighbors).

    If I'm ever so desperate to get my beauty sleep — I call it 'my health sleep' — I take antihistamines that have strong drowsy effects. 🙂

    I'm a light sleeper, and i easily get disturbed by noise and all sorts of movements.


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