When Promises are Made to be Broken

I received once an email from somebody. The contents felt more obligatory than sincere. It contained a promise.
Promises are made to be broken. When words are easily promised, they are easily forgotten, too. There is a saying, too, that a promise is like a piecrust made to be broken. That is why as much as possible one should not give his or her word uncaringly. When one swears, it is binding.

On the other hand, though one breaks a promise, he or she will still have that chance to make it up. But it should be the soonest possible time. Or else, ramifications will ensnare you to no end.
People who could EASILY make promises sometimes seem not to care the least. They have priorities in their lives, all right. But they should vow no vows when things are not really doable or probable. They should consider how the other party would feel being taken for granted, or being belittled because he or she is ignored.
What if there are more important things that one should address? Then don’t promise. Please. It would be understandable if you don’t give a word. Just tell that you will try to the best that you can. But no promises.
We might be guilty one way or another of giving promises that we could not keep. We have the chance to ponder now – consider what we would feel if someone did not keep his or her word.

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