What I Want When I Was Little

When I was little, there are many things I’d like to have and do. But there was not enough money. We can only play with what we have or ‘do the play’ without having anything interesting to play. Euphemism aside, life was hard because we were poor. But I really love to ride the bike and play piano just like what Inah, that rich girl who calls her father ‘daddy’, loved doing.

Being so mesmerized with the sounds the piano makes, there was a time that Papa almost lost a daughter. We were in a mall that time, ‘window-shopping’ in the truest sense of the word, when we passed by a window display of a piano, a very big one to be exact. But at that moment, there was a man seated in front of the piano who began playing. I was glued to the movement of his hands, awed by the sounds the piano made with each dance of the fingers, making me stay and watch and listen. Papa did not notice that I stopped. He continued walking while I continued listening, stopping in front of the window display. Others had gathered, too, probably because of the expert rendition of the music with the piano.

I don’t remember how long but the crowd got bigger, and I got more attracted and glued to where I am, never wanting to leave, unaware that I was already alone. Suddenly there was a familiar voice bellowing. I snapped out of my trance and realized that I was alone with the crowd. The voice continued mentioning the fondest name Papa used to call me.

I realized that I was left there alone for a matter of time. Fear gripped my heart and at that time, Papa was looking so relieved.