If You Could Read My Mind Love

If you could read my mind love

What a tale my thoughts could tell

Marriage Day
Marriage Day (Photo credit: Fikra)

Definitely, we do not tell everything in mind especially if it could ruin a beautiful night, or day, but most of the time I tell.  I usually speak my mind out.  As a lover, it is important that your partner knows what you want done in the marital bed.  You do not feign satisfaction when there isn’t.  If you do not have the courage to tell, at least tell it with your actions. It is not healthy to make your partner believe that everything is okay.  The one who tries to keep it in him/her self or denies the truth that the act is not satisfying usually suffers, or will be in pain because of dismay or frustration.

The love arena is where the heart, mind and body of both partners blend and all juices fuse ergo each of them has to be open and ready to give their unparalleled energy and emotions.  Not all expressions are successful, true, but there is always an opportunity to make it better.

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A Personalized Bible Can be a Lovely Gift


I would love to receive a personalized bible.  Not that one that isn’t is not appealing.  I happened to see them at http://www.personalcreations.com/personalized-bibles-psepbbl and took notice of the different designs.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind mine to be a simple one. The bible needs to be read and not kept dainty and unread. But for a keepsake, a personalized bible is a lovely gift. I doubt if those who love to read the Bible and are interested in this book would not love to own one.

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